Kitsch Kreatures

Kitsch Kreatures are plastic based ecosystems that retain a polyurethane based shell. Host to the new micro-plastic, super life forms imitating the lichen of a time pre-Anthropocene, these petrified fossils mark the “Age of Plastics” within the current Ice Age. Noted by archeologists to be the most glamorous examples of kitsch memorabilia to date, these habitats are an example of what happens when paved paradise is finally gone. To date (3035), Kreatures have been exclusively found from former urban sites that were submerged after sea levels rose to the current coastline of the New Pacific Gulf and New Atlantic Sea.

Abandoned Shelter, Preserved Kitsch (c.3053)

What if paved paradise is all that remains of our current era? What if the "Age of Plastics" was a self-fossilizing prophecy for the present environment’s dystopic ecosystem?

Through an exploration of kitsch aesthetics, plastic-based materials, and camp embellishment, this latest addition in the ongoing sculptural series Kitsch Kreatures imagines a childhood-inspired shelter abandoned in a Pompeii like fashion.

A bookshelf of non-sensical treasures is illuminated by the faint, pink glow of a toppled lamp. Hand-knit astroturf accents the scene like a plastic fungi pooling within the space. Glitter, found objects, neons, and plastics are transformed into their own eco-space in this abandoned dreamscape.

Found children's bookshelf embellished with plastic pearls topped with floral sequins. Silicon Glitter imitates moss growth within the cracks of polyurethane foam. The lampshade is formed from one continuous knit to illuminate the pattern of cell structure. Pink tinsel  is knotted to the metal frame to create a sense of utility - like a net, this adorned shade could very well attract/trap future plastic seeking organisms.


Tulle Tapestry


Geoempathetic Photograms